Have you been told that drugs or surgery are the only effective ways to treat back pain? In actuality, the truth is quite the opposite. Many back pain issues can be treated with more natural alternatives.

Below we list several effective remedies that are non-surgical, non-invasive, and drug-free. These treatment methods have no negative side effects and cannot harm you in any way. But they’ll likely do you a lot of good.

Also, most of these are tips that you can try on your own without any professional help. Although, we highly recommend a visit to the chiropractor as your first step. To learn more, read all about it below.

1. Speak to Your Chiropractor

We’re not saying that you must have a chiropractor perform hands-on treatment. All we’re saying is that it’s extremely important to at least speak to a professional chiropractor about your back pain. He/she will not perform any treatment whatsoever without your consent. But together, you and your chiropractor can learn more about your back problem.

They can give you personalized advice and instruction concerning your treatment options. This is more effective than using a guess-and-check approach with the remaining points on this list.

2. Get a Chiropractic Adjustment

Usually, the first thing your chiropractor will suggest is a chiropractic adjustment. You see, most back pain issues are caused by the improper alignment of the spinal column. An adjustment is a way to gently reorient the spine back into its proper place.

3. Lose Weight

Being overweight could be the culprit of your back pain. If you’re carrying around excess fat in your midsection, it can pull your spine out of alignment. 

Carrying around excessive abdominal fat also puts extra weight on your spine. 

Think of it this way, an extra 10 pounds or more of belly fat puts an extra 10 pounds or more of pressure on your spine. Reducing weight can reduce disc pressure.

4. Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation in your body can be the cause of many health issues, including back pain. And, if you’re suffering from back pain, chronic inflammation can prevent your body from healing and can lead to long-term joint pain.

An anti-inflammatory diet is designed to fuel your body with nutritionally rich foods including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These plant-based foods are a good source of antioxidants that can help remove free radicals that can damage your cells and contribute to disease.

5. Get More Calcium (For Bone-Loss Conditions)

If your back pain is caused by bone-loss issues like osteoporosis, you should increase your calcium intake. With your doctor’s approval, start eating more calcium-rich foods/supplementing calcium.

Calcium is very important to bone health and can also play a role in heart health.

Foods high in calcium include:

  • Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds
  • Beans & legumes
  • Dark, leafy greens such as spinach or collard greens
  • Broccoli
  • Oranges
  • Tofu and soybeans

Many people mistakenly think that cow’s milk is good for your bones. However, studies have shown that drinking dairy milk can actually leech calcium from your bones. Instead, reach for a fortified milk alternative such as almond milk or soy milk.

6. Get a Better Mattress

One of the most likely causes of improper alignment is your mattress. An old, worn-out mattress will no longer keep your spine aligned as it should while you sleep. In fact, a lot of cheap spring mattresses aren’t good for your spine even when they’re new.

If you suspect that your mattress is the cause of your back pain, invest in a new, orthopedic mattress.

7. Excercise

If you rest your back due to the pain, you might make the problem worse. Most back pain issues benefit more from keeping active than from resting. Doing yoga or light back stretches even a few minutes a day can help alleviate backaches and strengthen your body.

Always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Natural Methods to Treat Back Pain

Keep this page bookmarked so you don’t forget about these natural back pain remedies. And, start using these tips to treat back pain right away without the use of drugs, surgery, or other invasive procedures. 

Lastly, don’t forget the most important tip of all. Consult with your local chiropractor right now for personalized, expert advice. Specifically, contact Busch Chiropractic here to get started.