Stay Active: Tips for Easy Winter Health & Fitness Activities In Your Home

Dreary, chilly Winter can make the thought of exercising seem even less appealing than usual. We know, cocoa on the couch sure sounds like a great idea instead! But health experts urge all of us to remain active, no matter the season, for some very important reasons:

  • regular exercise keeps weight gain at bay
  • regular activity decreases the risks for heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even certain cancers
  • a strong “core” reduces the risk of falls
  • stretching keep the muscles loose and reduces pain
  • regular activity lowers stress, improves moods, and lowers the risk of depression
  • exercise improves night-time sleep

Of course, if you have a gym membership, use it! But if you don’t, there are lots of ways to stay active in your home until warm weather arrives. Here are some creative suggestions to stay in shape and have fun. (Of course, run these ideas by your chiropractor and doctor if you have any pre-existing conditions or chronic pain.)

  • Walk or jog up and down the stairs in your house. It’s great for your legs — and heart!
  • Use online workout videos (YouTube has thousands, try “indoor workout without equipment”) to find aerobic, yoga, and strength-building routines to do right at home.
  • Dance break! Dance around to a few of your favorite songs and before you know it you’ve had a great 20 minute cardio workout.
  • Get active while you watch TV, or at least during the commercials. Jog in place, do jumping jacks, squats, pushups, and setups.
  • Fit in a walk whenever there’s a break in the weather. Or be good to Fido and take him for a walk every day —  just bundle up and make sure to wear slip-resistant boots or visit a farm store or home improvement store that allows pets!
  • Even housework counts. Vacuuming, mopping, dusting, washing windows, shoveling snow all keep your body moving.

As with any activity, warm up a bit before you start, and stretch before and after. 

Busch Chiropractic is committed to helping you stay healthy and live your life pain free. Strength and movement are key components of a healthy spine. And, while we can crave comfort foods during Winter, be sure to eat healthier foods to help fight inflammation and keep pain!