Wesley and his family farmed most of the corn fields in Northern Indiana. Farming involved very long hours during the summer in a combine tractor. Mornings usually started in the fields around 5 a.m. and ended around 11 p.m. After years of living with diabetes, he was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. This caused severe bu

rning, numbness and sharp shooting pains in his feet and legs. This made it very difficult to get up and down from his tractor. It also made it very uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time. Wesley tried a number of different medications to get rid of the pain, but nothing seemed to help.
A friend of his recommended him to go see Dr. Busch at the Busch Chiropractic Center™, he benefited from the Neuropathy Protocol™. Wesley was tired of taking all the medications his doctor prescribed so he felt like he had nothing to lose. He called and made an appointment for the very next day and started his treatments later that week. Everyone at the Busch Chiropractic Center was so helpful and positive.

Wesley has able to get tremendous relief from the Neuropathy Protocol™. After only a few treatments he noticed he no longer had any sharp shooting pains and the burning and numbness was starting to decrease. He is now able to spend long hours in a tractor with little to no pain!