Trisha is a young lady who had finally had enough. At 32, she didn’t feel that she should have constant pain in the neck and shoulder area. Her quality of life was very poor and was getting worse with what seemed like by the minute. At 12 years old, Trisha injured this area on a trampoline and that is what started her life of constant pain. She played the violin all her life and that seemed to aggravate the pain. Once she graduated high school, she decided to give up playing the viloin because her pain became so bad. She finally saw her family doctor and was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. He prescribed her an anti-inflammatory and told her once the bottle was gone, the pain would be too. This was not the case so she decided to seek a chiropractor for help. After many treatments and still chronic pain, the doctor told her to stop manuvering her head to the left and the pain would eventually go away. Finally she decided to seek help at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and it was the best thing that she has ever done for herself. After finishing the DRS protocol™, she is now pain free! She can continue to build tires for a living a play with her children without pain. She is now teaching her daughter to play the violin!