Jessica was like any other teenager growing up. She loved being part of her high school swim team. Until one day when she started to notice pain in her leg and lower back. Along with the pain in her leg she would on occasion notice her leg feeling numb. It would take everything she had to make it through her day of school and also practices. Participating in a meet was no longer possible for her because of her pain.
When she saw her physician, she was told she just had a sports injury and needed some physical therapy. After weeks of physical therapy and no improvement, her parents thought it was time to seek help elsewhere. They had heard about the Busch Chiropractic Center through a member in their church and thought it would be worth a visit. Once Jessica had a very thorough exam with Dr. Busch, they found out she had a bulging disc in her lower back, not a sports injury. Luckily, Jessica’s symptoms were treatable with the DRS Protocol®™ and she was able to start treatments right away.
After just one week of treatment Jessica’s pain had decreased and she was no longer having any numbness in her leg. After a few more treatments, she was no longer having any pain at all. By the end of her treatments she was able to return back to her swim team and participate in both practice and meets with no pain. She is thankful for the Busch Chiropractic Center and the DRS Protocol®™, she feels like a normal teenager again.