Imagine having such severe low back pain that you does not allow you to walk upright. Everywhere you go, you are hunched over, you struggle to get around and rely on others to help you with simple daily tasks such as getting dressed and reaching items off of shelves for you.

This was everyday life for Tommy; he had numerous examinations done by doctors trying to assess his conditions. All of these doctors stated there was nothing they could do and referred him out for surgery. However, Tommy was not ready to endure surgery yet.

One day, Tommy was watching television and spotted a commercial discussing the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and the DRS Protocol®™. Tommy called the office and was able to set up an appointment for the following day. Dr. Busch performed muscular and neurological tests to assess his low back condition. From these tests, Tommy learned he had degenerative disc disease as well as spasms of the lumbar area.

After beginning treatment on the DRS table, Tommy was slowly beginning to stand taller and was experiencing less and less pain. Today, he is proud to say he can dress himself and reach items on the top shelf! Coming to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center was one of the best decisions he has ever made.