The annual fishing trip was coming up, George has taken his dad with him for the past 30 years. But George was more excited about this one because his son was finally able to go along. The only problem was the last 2 years it has gotten harder for his dad, Tom to get around.

Tom has been dealing with sciatic pain that has caused him severe pain. He had been to several doctors and they all had the same solution, injections, physical therapy, and pain medication. He never found permanent relief from any of those solutions. He had given up and was not his normal happy self.

George was doing any research he could to help his dad. He heard about the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and set up an appointment for his dad. Tom reluctantly went but was surprised to hear that this might actually make him better.

Today is the day of the fishing trip and George was happy to be getting out on the water with his son and grandson. Thanks to Dr. Busch and the DRS Protocol®™, Tom and his son have another fishing trip memory with George.