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Thomas avoids having a second back surgery with The DRS Protocol

Thomas has always been a hard worker; he has been a farmer all his life. He loves to be out in the fields from sun up to sun down. All the physical work and bouncing around in the tractors has taken a toll on Thomas’ back. He has already had surgery once for a herniated disc, which helped for awhile, but he is starting to have increased pain again. He has tried some stretches and always has a heating pad on at home. It has gotten to the point that he is not sure if he will be able to sit in the tractor this spring.

One day, while at home sitting on the couch with his heating pad on his back, Thomas saw a program for The Busch Chiropractic Center. While watching the program, he realized that he had many of the symptoms that Dr. Busch was talking about. He called the next day to schedule a consultation. After his examination, Thomas had hope that DR. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™ would help him and keep him from another back surgery. After a few treatments, Thomas noticed that he was able to stand longer without pain, and soon after he was almost pain free for the first time in years! Thomas is now back to working in the fields all day without having any pain. He is very thankful for Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™ for giving him his life back and correcting his herniated disc.

in General

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