Tiffany first started noticing burning and cramping in her feet two years ago. She would run several marathons a year and even worked as a track coach for a high school. After Tiffany was diagnosed with cancer she had to do chemotherapy. Giving up her career and hobby was heartbreaking for her. Thankfully she is now cancer free, but the harsh chemotherapy treatments caused her to have numbness, burning, cramping, and sharp shooting pains in the feet and legs.


After going to her family doctor, he diagnosed her with peripheral neuropathy. The only solution he could offer was prescribing her with a lot of medications. This was not how Tiffany wanted to live the rest of her life. Fortunately, she saw a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Center™ and called right away.

Tiffany started to notice she no longer had constant cramping and burning in her feet after two weeks of treatment. The staff at the Busch Chiropractic Center™ was always so supportive and reassuring throughout her entire treatment. She can finally get back to coaching and now is involved in running and enjoying life.