Sophia worked for twelve hours a day standing and walking on her feet. She used to enjoy being active and busy on her feet. However, over the years she began to have numbness and mild burning sensations. Sophia thought these symptoms were due to wearing old shoes and being on her feet for long periods of time. Once the symptoms began to become more severe, sharp shooting pains in the toes she knew she had to do something.

Sophia had a co-worker that mentioned the Busch Chiropractic Center and their Neuropathy Protocol. She called that day and was able to set up an appointment for the very next day. Dr. Busch completed a thorough exam and took an x-ray. Dr. Busch diagnosed Sophia with peripheral neuropathy and recommended treatment with the Neuropathy Protocol™

After completing the sixth week of treatment, Sophia was feeling improved. She no longer had the sharp shooting pains in her feet and the numbness and tingling had decreased in intensity. Sophia is thankful for the Busch Chiropractic Center for allowing her to do her work pain-free now!