Shortly after my sixtieth birthday I began to have numbness, burning, cold sensations, and sharp shooting pains in both of my feet and legs. Over time this pain began to interfere with my daily activities. I began to miss social events, avoid walking at the grocery store; I even stopped taking my dog on walks outside.

I went to my family doctor to determine what was causing this severe pain. My doctor diagnosed me with peripheral neuropathy and suggested medication to alleviate my symptoms. After a month of taking these medications I was only seeing minimal relief.

A friend of mine saw an advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Center discussing their Neuropathy Protocol ™ and their success with treatment. I called the Busch Chiropractic Center and was able to set up an appointment for the very next day. 

After beginning the Neuropathy Protocol™, I had decreased neuropathy sensations. I am now able to be involved in social activities and even do simple tasks as walk through the grocery store!