I had been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for over 10 years. The neuropathy came on gradually, it began with tingling in my feet and legs and it progressively got worse. When I began to have no feeling in my feet and legs I began to disconnect from the world. I was unable to live my life to the fullest.

My neuropathy was only getting worse, and I knew I had to find some help. I tried many prescription drugs prescribed by my doctor. I heard time and time again that there was no cure for peripheral neuropathy.

After seeing a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Center, decided I need to give them a call. I am now happy to say Dr. Busch at the Busch Chiropractic Center has changed my life completely! After completing the Neuropathy Protocol™, I have feeling back in my legs and I am able to get back to the life I once loved. I was able to take a vacation with my husband; the best part about it was I could feel my feet in the sand. Thank you Busch Chiropractic Center for saving my life!