Shana was an active 20 year old college student. She loved to always be busy doing things like rollerblading, biking, swimming and going camping with friends. The only problem was that Shana was constantly in pain. She suffered with severe low back pain that kept her from doing the things she loved. She was not comfortable sitting or standing for long periods of time.

Shana had been to several doctors, including a surgeon who wanted to burn her nerve endings to help with the pain. Shana was against any surgeries because she was not convinced that this would be a lifetime solution to her problems. So she decided to just take the medications that were prescribed to her. She was finding herself taking medication several times a day and it never gave her complete relief. Shana knew that she needed to find a treatment that would help her today as well as down the road.

One afternoon, while doing some research on the internet, she came across some articles about Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™. She decided that this sounded like a great opportunity to actually be pain free for a change. After her examination, she was excited that she actually had a diagnosis. Shana found out that she was suffering with a herniated disc in her lower back and that was the reason for the pain. She was also very happy to learn that The DRS Protocol®™ a non-surgical treatment could give her a pain free life without taking pain medication anymore.

After starting The DRS Protocol®™, Shana could tell that this treatment was going to work. She was already feeling like her pain level was less intense. She also started to notice that she was taking less pain medication and able to sleep better at night. Today, Shana is able do all the things her friends do without causing herself any pain. She owes this all to Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™.