Roy was an avid sports lover, but his favorite by far was basketball. He played in high school and some in college until he had an automobile accident that kept him from doing what he loved most. After the accident, Roy continued to have discomfort in his lower back and eventually he also suffered with numbness in his right leg.  Even though Roy had hoped his symptoms would get better on their own, day by day they continued to get worse.

He had been to a chiropractor and which did give him some short term relief from his symptoms but never lasting improvement. Roy had friends that had similar problems and they had gone as far as having surgery but that was something he wanted to avoid if possible.  His friends that had had surgery in the past were still complaining of having symptoms following the surgery.


One day, Roy’s wife had seen a program on television about Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™. He decided to give him a call and see what they could do for him. After his consultation, he found out he had a bulging disc and that The DRS Protocol®™ could help him. Roy decided to start treatment right away.

On the way home after his first treatment, he had noticed that he did not have the pain in his leg that he normally had while in the car. After a few more treatments, Roy was able to play basketball with his grandson which made him the happiest he had been in years. Roy continues to send friends and family to The Busch Chiropractic Center any chance he gets. The DRS Protocol®™ gave him back his life and he hopes to help others make the best choice possible.