Since retiring, Ronald enjoyed taking hunting trips and was usually traveling to different states weekly to hunt. Until one day while out of town hunting, he ended up in the emergency room with severe low back and sciatic pain. In the emergency room  he was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in his L5. He was prescribed a muscle relaxer and a pain medication to keep him comfortable enough to make it back home.

Once Ronald finally made it back home, he saw a surgeon and was told that surgery was his only option to relieve his pain. Ronald did not want to have surgery because he already had two low back surgeries in the past and only noticed temporary relief and he did not want to be bed ridden again.

Thank goodness for Ronald’s wife looking into the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center for her husband. Ronald was a candidate for the DRS protocol™ and is now able to live a happy healthy pain-free life again. Ronald no longer worries about walking on the uneven ground while hunting. He actually feels like he is finally able to appreciate the golden years.