Ronald was only 32 years old when he first hurt his back while lifting a barrel at work. After 20 years of expensive treatments and still the same symptoms, Ronald had nearly given up and thought he was going to have to live with the pain for the rest of his life.

Ronald was diagnosed with lumbar dengeneration and was expierencing not only low back pain but also pain and numbness in his left foot. Ronald’s symptoms made his day to day life a struggle.

He finally became fed up when he was unable to sleep due to the pain. Ronald tried costly injections as well as prescription pain medications with little to no help at all. He was told that his last resort would be surgery. Ronald agreed to the surgery and was actually looking forward to the end result of having his life back painfree. Unfortunately this was not the case for Ronald.

After lots of medical bills as well as being off work for many weeks, Ronald still had his original pain. His doctor told him that as he healed, the symptoms would slowly diminish. He waited for over one year for this to happen, but it never did. He followed up with his doctor again and his doctor told him he would need yet another surgery. Ronald refused to go through another surgery.

Ronald started doing his own research and that is when he found the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. He made an appointment with Dr. Busch and to his surprise, there was another treatment other than surgery for his symptoms. Once Ronald finished the DRS protocol™, he is now off of all pain medications and able to do his daily activities without pain and he never missed a day of work during treatment.