Rick was an over the road truck driver and about 8 years ago, he was involved in an auto accident. He had suffered from low back and hip pain ever since. The accident has affected his job as well as his personal life. He was unable to sit for extended periods of time, unable to walk long distances, and even had trouble sleeping due to his pain. Rick’s wife was just as frustrated with the situation as he was. He had been to pain management doctors, chiropractors and his last stop was the surgeon, which he wanted to avoid if at all possible. He had tried narcotics, epidurals, physical therapy, and regular adjustments, but all of these methods only gave him temporary relief from his pain. Rick and his wife both knew deep down inside that there had to be another option that Rick could try.

One day, while skimming through the newspaper, Rick saw an article about Dr. Busch at The DRS Protcol™. He had almost every symptom that the article listed. After talking it over with his wife, he decided to make an appointment with Dr. Busch. His first appointment with Dr. Busch was an eye opening experience. He found out that the accident had caused him a herniated disc in his lumbar spine. He realized that he didn’t need to have surgery to find relief from his pain. Rick started The DRS Protocol®™ the next day. Within a few treatments, Rick was noticing improvements. He was walking better and longer distances. Within a few weeks, Rick was practically pain free. Today, Rick is meeting with his boss to talk about getting back on the road and he couldn’t have done it without Dr. Busch.