Rebecca has been miserable for years due to the pain in her lower back. It hurt for her to do everyday tasks such as dressing, walking and getting in and out of a chair. She has been seeing other chiropractors that were able to provide her with relief, but the pain always came back. She knew that she needed to do something to rid herself of the pain if she wanted to live a normal life.

One day, a friend had noticed that Rebecca was in pain and recommended she call The Busch Chiropractic Center and see if The DRS Protocol®™ would work for her.  She was apprehensive at first since she had seen chiropractors before but she was told that The Busch Chiropractic Center was not the same. After having her consultation appointment, Rebecca could see that her friend was right. It was not the same as all the other chiropractic offices that she had been to. Her condition was explained to her very thoroughly. This was the first time that Rebecca was told why she was having the pain. She found out that she was suffering from a herniated disc in the lower back area that was putting pressure on the nerve. Rebecca started treatment on The DRS Protocol®™ right away.

Since she has started treatment, Rebecca is virtually pain free. She is able to do daily activities that were causing her so much pain with no pain at all now. She no longer worries about the things in life that she will miss because of the back pain she would have had. She couldn’t be happier to be back to a normal life again. She recommends to anyone with low back pain The Busch Chiropractic Clinic and The DRS Protocol®™.