Marie had been dealing with constant back and left leg pain for several years. Anytime she did any bending, twisting, or even walked short distances she would have sharp shooting pain from her lower back down into her left leg. She had been to several different doctors and they all prescribed pain medications. She even tried an epidural shot, but the pain never completely went away. Marie was getting very frustrated with the fact that she could not find any relief from her pain! Her doctor had suggested that she have surgery, but at 74 years old it made her too nervous to think about.

While playing bridge with some friends, Marie was venting her frustrations when one of the ladies suggested The Busch Chiropractic Center. Her friend had told her about The DRS Protocol®™. Marie thought she might as well go talk to DR. Busch; after all she had nothing to lose. During her examination, she found out she had degenerative disc disease and The DRS Protocol®™ could help her. Within a few visits, Marie started to notice she was able to walk a little further and bend and twist without increased pain. Before long, Marie was pain free and it’s all because of Dr. Busch and the DRS Protocol®™!