5 Possible Causes of Numbness in the Hand
Numbness in the hand can be alarming, especially if you can't spot the cause of the sensation. What causes a numb hand, and how can you stop[...]
Randy’s Story: How I Avoided Knee Surgery for a Torn Meniscus
True confession of a knee pain survivor. "I thought I had played my last game." A torn meniscus is not how a player want to be "taken[...]
Healthy Back Tips: 5 Ways to Show Your Back Some Love
Roughly 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. In fact, back pain is now the leading cause of disability worldwide. It could impact your daily[...]
Back Pain and Weight Loss: How Losing Weight Can Help
I'm sure you'd agree that living with back pain can often feel like a full-time job. Thankfully, there are some things that have been proven to "lighten the load".[...]
How Steve Found Relief from Severe Hip & Back Pain
Steve suffered from severe hip and back pain. He could barely walk, he couldn't ride his Harley, and he couldn't hold or pick up his granddaughters. He[...]
Pain-Free Holidays: Your Guide to Natural Pain Relief Options
If you're one of the about 65 million Americans who suffer with back pain, you may be dreading the holiday season. The holidays are filled with activities that can trigger[...]