Stephanie and her husband loved the outdoors; they loved to camp, hike, canoe and garden. For the past five years, Stephanie has been dealing with pain in her lower back and in her right leg. The constant pain has kept her from being able to do all the things she loves.

Stephanie has seen several different types of doctors and been to many clinics and seminars trying to find a solution to her pain. She has had epidural injections, done physical therapy, seen a chiropractor, and taken every pain pill that has been offered. All of these have only given her temporary relief.

Last year, while on a camping trip with her husband and some friends, Stephanie found herself being miserable and stuck at camp while everyone else was out having fun because she was in too much pain to join them. That was the final straw for her! She was determined to find a solution as soon as she returned home.

While doing research, Stephanie came across a website for Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™. As she browsed the website, she had a glimmer of hope that this might actually work for her. Stephanie discussed it with her husband and they agreed that she should go see DR. Busch. After her examination with Dr. Busch, Stephanie found out that she was suffering with degenerative disc disease in her lumbar spine. She also learned that her condition could be treated with The DRS Protocol®™. This meant now she could focus on a treatment plan to make her life better. After starting The DRS Protocol®™, Stephanie started noticing little changes like the fact that she was sleeping better and her pain was not as intense. After a month or so, she was nearly pain free. Today, Stephanie’s husband has a hard time keeping up with her because she is full of energy and is always ready for the next adventure.