Katrina was a very active young mother of three. She loved taking care of her children and enjoyed all outdoor activities with them. When she started to have lower back pain and also pain in the buttock, it slowed her down and she had to be careful about what she would do with her children in order to avoid causing herself pain. Standing and bending to do the everyday things a mother needs to do take care of her kids was becoming nearly impossible for her.  This is when Katrina knew it was time to seek a professional.

Her family physician suggested some steroids and physical therapy to help with her pain. He was the doctor, so she tried what he had suggested. After months of medications and physical therapy, she had not seen or felt any relief from her pain. That is when it was suggested that she see a specialist about having surgery. This was something she knew she did not want to do. 

One day, Katrina was sitting to try and alleviate her back pain, when she saw a TV advertisement for The Busch Chiropractic Clinic and The DRS Protocol®™. She thought to herself, is this something that would work for me? So she called and made an appointment for her first consultation.
Following her consultation with Dr. Busch, Katrina now knew what the cause of all her pain was. She was suffering with a herniated disc in her lower back. Katrina was confident that The DRS Protocol®™ was the answer that she was looking for. Katrina decided to start treatment right away.

Within a week of starting treatment, Katrina was noticing improvements with her herniated disc. She was sleeping better at night and she was able to stand and bend for longer periods of time before she would notice any pain. And when she did notice pain, it was not as intense as before she had started treatment. Her lower back pain was nothing more than a minor back ache and her buttock pain was virtually gone. She was starting to enjoy her time with her children again. By the end of her treatments, she could say that she was pain free and living a normal life again. Her only regret was that she did not know about the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and The DRS Protocol®™ earlier.