Liam loved to go watch his grandson’s baseball games, he was so proud of him. But, the last several years Liam was dealing low back pain and occasional numbness in his legs. It was making it difficult for him to be able to go to the games.

Liam had visited several medical doctors and chiropractors, they gave him medications and treatments that never seemed to solve the problem. He thought his only option would be to have surgery. Liam saw a commercial for the DRS Protocol®™. He scheduled an appointment at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and also an appointment with a surgeon just to make sure all his bases were covered.  After his exam with Dr. Busch, Liam knew he had another option. No Surgery!  He called and cancelled the appointment with the surgeon right away.

After beginning treatments with the DRS Protocol®™, Liam began feeling relief from the low back pain and the feeling in his legs were beginning to return. Today, Liam is able to go to his grandson’s baseball games and sit on the bleachers through the whole game without any pain!