Kevin absolutely loves his job but has recently had to consider finding something new due to the pain he has been experiencing. Kevin is a driver for a local shipping company, which requires him to do a lot of lifting and bending throughout the day and was progressively making his symptoms worse. He loved his job very much but knew that his chronic low back pain and numbness of his left foot was never going to get better unless he stopped bending and lifting all day, at least that is what his previous surgeon had told him.

Kevin tried what he thought was everything to get rid of his pain. He saw a chiropractor, which only gave him temporary relief. He also had a surgery about 1 1/2 years ago with only temporary relief. Once he recovered and returned to work, the pain also returned. When Kevin returned to the surgeon to tell him that his symptoms returned, he was told that he may need to start looking for a new job, as that was the only way he would live a pain-free life. He went home to tell his wife the devastating news and she immediately told him to call the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and book an appointment before he made such a life altering decision.

After treatment with the DRS Protocol®™, Kevin has been able to do his normal day to day activities without causing any of his symptoms to return. Instead of going home each night and laying on the couch or going straight to bed, he now is able to play basketball with his two teenage boys. Kevin is so grateful that he is back to living a pain-free, normal life.