Kendra had been suffering on and off for over 3 years with lower back, hip, and foot pain. It would range in severity from an annoyance to excruciating pain. Sometimes she would even experience numbness in her left thigh and in the toes of her left foot. All of this made even the simple everyday things like shopping and gardening difficult for her to do. She tried regular chiropractic methods for over a year, but they gave her little to no relief. She started to become frustrated when the numbness and pain intensified despite the chiropractic treatments. Not only did her pain become more intense, she was also told that was as good as she would get.

Then, one day when she was driving in her car, she heard a radio advertisement for The Busch Chiropractic Center and The DRS Protocol®™. This sounded exactly like the treatment she had been looking for. She was so skeptical at first that her husband had to call and schedule her first appointment because she did not want to get her hopes up. Her fears were soon laid to rest because after a very thorough examination, Dr. Busch took the time to go over every detail. He went over the cause of her pain and exactly what the treatment could do for her. He also did it in a way that she could understand. She finally had a diagnosis for her pain, a herniated disc in her lower back. She also found out that The DRS Protocol®™ was an option for her. Kendra decided that it was time to give this treatment a try.

In just a few short weeks of treatment with The DRS Protocol®™, she was noticing improvements. She no longer was feeling any numbness in her thigh or foot. The pain had gone from excruciating to tolerable. She was getting her life back and she continued to get better with every treatment. By the end of her treatments, she was pain free and enjoying shopping and gardening once again. The only regret she has is that she waited so long before calling The Busch Chiropractic Center.