Kathy was a vibrant dancer, singer, writer and aspiring actress. She loved being active in her community and helping others. One day she developed a lump, her doctor ran several tests and told her and her husband the news, it was cancer. She went through many rounds of chemotherapy and radiation treatments and was told that she was in remission. She and her family were elated by the news and celebrated by taking a vacation to Florida to enjoy the warm sandy beaches.

While Kathy and her family were in Florida she began to notice her feet were beginning to feel like they were tingling, burning and going numb when she laid down one night. When she returned home from Florida, she went to her cancer doctor and he told her that the sensations she was feeling is Peripheral Neuropathy and is a common side effect of cancer treatments. Her doctor told her there was nothing he could do to treat the Neuropathy and prescribed medication to help with the pain.

Kathy’s husband saw an advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and she called right away. After going through an exam with Dr. Busch, he determined she was a candidate for the Neuropathy Protocol™. After going through the protocol she was noticed she was starting to sleep through the night because the tingling gone! Kathy is so grateful for Dr. Busch and the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center, and is excited to begin this new chapter of her life!