Kari was like any other teenage kid, she liked to play school sports. She was young and her body could handle anything, so she thought. She was always participating in a sport after school until she started to have low back pain and numbness in her legs. Throughout the years of playing sports, it began taking a toll on her body. Now she was facing something most teenage kids never think about, back surgery.

The thought was frightening to both her and her parents. It was something they were not ready to try. After doing some research they found the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and immediately made an appointment. They soon realized they had another option besides surgery, the DRS Protocol®™

Kari responded very well to her treatment. In a matter of weeks her pain had decreased to the point where it was barely noticeable. She was able to return to playing sports. When playing sports the only thing she would notice was a mild ache in her low back. Once she had fully completed her treatments she was able to be a normal teenage kid. She could participate in any activity she wanted without feeling achy or feeling pain in her lower back. Both her and her parents could not be more thankful for coming to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center.