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Karen avoids surgery from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Karen was a nurse at a very busy hospital. Her job required her to do a lot of lifting, bending, twisting as well as walking on concrete for over 12 hours a day. Karen loved her job, but she was getting to the point that she was unable to care for her patients properly due to the severe lumbar and left leg pain that she was suffering from. Karen had already tried icing, using heat and over the counter pain medications but they only gave her temporary relief. This is when Karen decided that it was time for her to see her family doctor.

Karen's family doctor decided that she needed to have a MRI so he could see exactly what she was dealing with. Once the results of the MRI were back, Karen met with her doctor again and found out that she was suffering with a herniated disc in her lumbar spine. Karen's doctor decided that it was time to refer her to a pain management clinic.

Karen met with a doctor from a local clinic who recommended steroids as well as pain medication to help with her pain. Being a nurse, she knew the side effects of these types of medications and she was not willing to deal with any of them. The doctor then told her that her second and last option would be surgery. This was another option that Karen was not willing to try. She has seen many patients in her life that have had a least one back surgery but still suffered from the very same symptoms following the surgery. Karen just knew that there had to be another option.

While at home one day following a long shift at the hospital, Karen decided to wind down by watching some television as she iced her lumbar area and took some Advil. This is when Karen saw a commercial for The DRS Protocol®™ offered at The Busch Chiropractic Center. She immediately got up and made an appointment.

After meeting with Dr. Busch, Karen was confident that this was the treatment that she was looking for to naturally heal her herniated disc. Karen began treatment with The DRS Protocol®™ right away. Karen is so happy that she did this! She is back to working her 12 hour shifts at the hospital without any pain! She is now able to go home and take care of the house instead of immediately lying down to help ease her pain. Karen now recommends The DRS Protocol®™ to anyone that she comes across suffering with neck or back pain.

in General

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