About five years ago, Julie was in a car accident. At the time, she was not having any symptoms so she refused to be treated following the accident. A couple of months following the accident, she started to develop periods of time that were very painful in her neck and shoulders and also frequent headaches. Julie is a special needs bus driver that loved her job and the children that she was responsible for but as her symptoms progressed, her job requirements became too much for her to handle and she had to get a leave of absence from work. During this time, she went to her family doctor who only prescribed her pain medication to mask her symptoms. Unsatisfied, she decided to have an MRI done and that is when she discovered that she had a herniated disc in the neck area. She then returned to her family doctor and he then recommended surgery.

Julie’s father had surgery for a herniated disc one year prior with no relief so she was not very happy about these recommendations. She decided to start searching the internet for alternative treatments for surgery. That is when Julie found the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. Once she was evaluated, she was so relieved to find out that she was a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™. Julie is now back to work and able to do all daily requirements without causing her any pain at all! She is so thankful that she decided to give it a try!