John, a 57 year old man suffered from diabetes for years until taking his health into his own hands and did something about it. He went through bariatric treatments to lose weight which corrected the diabetes. He was thrilled! Although after having diabetes for 10 years it had resulted in Neuropathy of his feet and legs. John was completely discouraged to find out he was going to have to replace his diabetes medication with several other medications to control the burning pain and numbness.

John noticed after only a few months of taking the Neuropathy medications, it was only temporarily relieving the symptoms. He knew he needed to find another option. One day he heard an advertisement for the Neuropathy Protocol™ at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and he called right away. After a complete and thorough examination by Dr. Busch, John was told he was in fact a candidate for the Neuropathy Protocol™.

Today, John no longer has any burning pain and can now feel different textures while walking barefoot. John is now completely off all medications and excited to finally start feeling as healthy as he looks!