Jenny had been going to pain clinics, neurologists, and orthopedic doctors for over a period of 8 years. She would hear the same thing over and over. She was told that she was suffering from a herniated disc in her lumbar spine and surgery was her only option. She was also told that she had neuropathy in her feet and that was what was causing the numbness. She was told that medications were her only option for the neuropathy. At one point, she was taking as many as 6 different medications to help with the pain and neuropathy. No matter what she was told or what they tried, it wasn’t working. Jenny’s lower back pain and foot numbness was always there.

One day, she had been talking with her neighbor about her pain and that is when she was told about the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and The DRS Protocol®™. Her neighbor suffered from the very same symptoms and had been through the program and was now pain free! She immediately called and set up an appointment. Following her consultation and evaluation with Dr. Busch, Jenny was told that she was a candidate for The DRS Protocol®™. She then decided that it was time to give this treatment a try.

After just a few weeks of DRS treatment, Jenny was no longer having any lower back pain!  The treatment for her neuropathy was helping as well. She was able to feel the ground below her feet and they were feeling warmer. She no longer felt as if she was walking with weights on her feet. Since starting the treatment, she has been able to restore furniture again without the pain she use to have. She has been able to walk around her home without socks or shoes on without the fear of hurting herself because she can now feel the floor.  Jenny is very happy with his decision to go to the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and would tell anyone facing surgery to go with The DRS Protocol®™.