After having an accident at work at the age of twenty one, Jason was left with a ruptured disc and in his lower back. The pain in his lower back and legs made it impossible for him to do his job as a firefighter. He had been to specialists and had numerous tests in which he was told that surgery was his only option. Months after the recovery and the physical therapy, the pain was still coming and going. Jason also always knew when the seasons where changing and still didn’t dare do any lifting at work. The only relief he had from surgery was that his leg pain was gone.

By the time Jason had reached the age of thirty three, the back pain had become more intense and continued to get worse, the leg pain had returned as well. He was back to feeling worse than he had before the surgery. He didn’t even want to think about another surgery for his pain. That’s when his wife had learned about The Busch Chiropractic Center and The DRS Protocol®™ from a co-worker. They told her Dr. Busch was definitely worth talking to.

After having his exam and hearing why his pain had returned, it all made sense.  Jason was not going to have another surgery. He began The DRS Protocol®™ right away instead. Within a few short weeks, Jason no longer had any leg pain. He was also starting to lift things at work again without it aggravating his lower back pain. Jason does not regret going to The Busch Chiropractic Center and would tell anyone to give The DRS Protocol®™ a chance. He no longer has any lower back or leg pain and is back to doing normal daily activities. It has given him his life back after years of pain.