Janet woke up one day with severe pain in the neck area as well as pain down both arms. She did a lot of painting the day before and felt that was probably the reason for the pain. At first, she just took Ibuprofen and was icing on an as need basis. As weeks went by, Janet’s symptoms became worse! Instead of just suffering from the pain, she was now having daily headaches that would leave her bed ridden for the rest of the day. This is the point that Janet knew that she was dealing with a serious issue, not just pain from over working. Janet called her family doctor and made an appointment with him.

After seeing her family doctor, Janet was prescribed a pain medication, an anti-imflammatory and sent to physical therapy. This all seemed to be helping at first but once she stopped the anti-inflammatory, all her pain and symptoms did return. Janet decided to make another appointment with her family doctor to see what else she could do to get rid of the pain. Janet’s doctor decided that it was time to refer her out to a pain management specialist.

After seeing her pain management doctor for the first time, she was given more pain medication and sent out for an MRI of the cervical spine. During her follow up appointment, Janet learned that she was suffering with a herniated disc in her cervical spine and that her only option she had would be to have surgery on the area. Janet left her appointment feeling very frustrated because she absolutely was not going to have surgery. She just knew that there had to be other options out there.

Janet starting searching the internet for herniated disc treatments and that is when she came across the website of The Busch Chiropractic Center exclusively offering The DRS Protocol®™ which helped to heal herniated discs naturally. Janet was so excited that she called immediately and made an appointment. Following her consultation with Dr. Busch, Janet found out that her condition was treatable with The DRS Protocol®™. Janet began treatment right away. After having just a few treatments, Janet’s headaches were gone and her pain level was slowly reducing. Janet is now finished with her DRS Protocol®™ treatments and is now pain and symptom free! She no longer has to take any medication for pain and is able to do all activties without worrying that her pain will return.