Janelle was a nurse in the ER and loved her job. She loved that fact that she was helping people. One evening at work last fall, Janelle had hurt her back while helping lift a patient. She figured she just pulled a muscle and it would get better with time. After a few months of having the constant ache that kept her from bending, walking, and standing for a long time, Janelle finally decided to go to her doctor. He prescribed her an anti-inflammatory medication and also suggested she go to a physical therapist. Janelle did as her doctor suggested, but she still was not finding any permanent relief. She had thought about talking to a surgeon to see if that would help, but that was the last thing she wanted to do. She didn’t have enough time to take off of work for the recovery.

One afternoon while Janelle was waiting on a friend for lunch, she was reading the paper and came across an article for Dr. Busch. In the article, it talked about The DRS Protocol®™ and how it had helped past patients. Janelle decided to call and set up a consultation with Dr. Busch. To her surprise, Dr. Busch said she was suffering from a herniated disc in her lower back and that he could help her without prescribing medications and not having to miss any work. After the first few appointments, Janelle was noticing some improvements. She no longer had the constant achiness anymore. After finishing The DRS Protocol®™, Janelle is now pain free even after a twelve hour shift at work!