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How to Treat Chronic Neck Pain Without Drugs

How to Treat Chronic Neck Pain Without Drugs

As many as 70% of adults will experience neck pain that interferes with their daily activities during their lifetimes. Neck pain is a common condition that can happen for many reasons. The good news is that it can usually be effectively treated through simple lifestyle changes or a few easy steps.

If you suffer from chronic neck pain, this article is for you. We'll highlight how you can treat chronic neck pain without drugs or invasive procedures such as neck surgery. And, we'll discuss the benefits of chiropractic care, rest, and stretching. Keep reading!

Take It Easy and Rest

If you have injured your neck, rest should be included in part of the treatment plan. The neck is tasked with supporting the full weight of the head (which typically weighs around 12 pounds). Therefore, it is important to take it easy and avoid overexerting your neck.

Following an injury, take between 1 and 3 days off from strenuous activities. You will likely find that the pain begins to subside once you have allowed your neck to rest. If pain still persists, it may be time to visit a chiropractor.

Perform Neck Stretches

Taking time each day to perform neck stretches is also recommended. Here is a guide for easy-to-perform stretches that you can do when experiencing neck pain:

Once you have performed this sequence once, take a short break and repeat 3 to 5 times more. Be careful to exert too much movement on your neck if it is particularly painful. And, be sure to consult your doctor before performing any new exercises or stretches.

Chiropractic Care

One of the most effective steps that a person suffering from chronic neck pain can take is to visit a chiropractor near you

A chiropractor can help to ease neck pain by easing tension in the neck muscles and realigning the spine. One study on this topic found that 3 months of spinal manipulation is more effective than medication for treating non-specific neck pain.

How to Treat Chronic Neck Pain 

The main symptoms of neck pain include sharp pain, pain when moving, stiff neck, radiating pain, and headaches. If you suffer from chronic neck pain, the above tips may be helpful.

For effective neck pain treatments and chronic pain relief, your premier choice for chiropractic care in Fort Wayne, IN is Busch Chiropractic. We provide a range of non-surgical treatments for the relief of back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and neuropathy pain and numbness.

Contact us today to request an appointment with our team. We look forward to helping you overcome your neck pain.

in Neck Pain, Neck Pain

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