Henry has been dealing with back pain all of his life. He remembers being a young kid and going to the doctor because of pain, but was told the pain was due to growing pains.  He thought he had his pain managed with medication and frequent chiropractor visits, but in the last year and a half, his pain has become more intense and more frequent. He had tried everything he could think of including injections, medication, adjustments, heating pads and pain patches. All of these would give him temporary relief but nothing would give him lasting results. 

Henry has become more frustrated over the years. He has had to miss several things due to the fact that he was unable to stand or sit because of pain. One day, he had seen a program about Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™; he figured he had nothing to lose by trying it, so he called for a consultation.

Henry couldn’t have been happier after talking to Dr. Busch. Not only did he take the time to do a thorough examination, he actually diagnosed him with degenerative disc disease.  Henry decided to start The DRS Protocol®™ right away and within a few visits, he was able to cut back on his pain medication.  After finishing his treatment with The DRS Protocol®™, Henry is now off of all his pain medication and he is pain free. He no longer has to restrict his activities due to the pain.