Debbie is a stay at home mother that had spent the past 30 years running an at home daycare. She absolutely loved what she did and loved every child like her own until one day when Debbie woke up with low back pain like she had never had before. She tried to ignore her symptoms and live life on Ibuprofen but three months later, she was unable to move due to the pain level and knew that she could no longer even bend over to help the children even after increasing her dosage of Ibuprofen. That is when she decided to seek help for her low back pain.

Debbie was first sent to her family doctor who sent her off for an MRI after nothing showed up on the X-rays. The MRI came back and she was diagnosed with a bulging disc in the lumbar spine. He then sent her to physical therapy which did not provide her any relief. She then went to see a surgeon who recommended surgery. She could not imagine having surgery and not being able to take care of her daycare for an extended period of time. That is when Debbie decided that surgery was not an option.

Debbie was up early one morning having breakfast when she saw an advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and that is when she decided it was worth a try. While Debbie was going through her DRS Protocol®™ treatments, she was able to continue running her daycare and she was very happy about this. She forgot how nice it felt to live a pain-free, normal life!