Clara loved riding her horses. This was the only activity that she could do that would take away her stress from daily living. That is until one day she fell off of her horse and heard a cracking noise in her low back. This caused her to have severe and constant low back and pain in her left leg. Clara was rushed to the emergency room and after numerous expensive testing, she was diagnosed with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. She was given many different pain medications and told to contact a surgeon. The next day, as Clara was on the phone scheduling her surgery, when she saw a commercial for the DRS Protocol®™ which specialized in non-surgical correction of the herniated disc. Once her surgery was scheduled, Clara immediately called to make an appointment to see Dr. Busch and she is so glad she did! Following her treatments, Clara is now pain free again and able to ride her horse symptom free! Clara is so thankful that she was able to cancel that expensive surgery and not waste months recovering in bed!