For the protection of our patients and staff, if you have a cough, a fever, are ill, or have been exposed to someone who is ill, please call 888-471-4090 to reschedule your appointment.


Chronic Back Pain Sufferer Finally Gets Relief

For over 20 years, Jodie suffered from chronic low back pain that made it difficult to work for more than half an hour a day. She saw her family doctor, neurosurgeons, other chiropractors, and pain doctors, but no one was able to tell her why she was in so much pain.

Jodie heard about Busch Chiropractic and decided to make an appointment. She finally found relief with the DRS Protocol® treatment for back pain at Busch Chiropractic.

Today, Jodie is finally starting to feel better and no longer has to crawl to her bed at the end of the day. She says, "I don't have the pain I used to have."

Relief From Back Pain

If you or someone you love is suffering from chronic back pain, contact Contact Busch Chiropractic today to learn more about our back pain treatment. The DRS Protocol® is a safe, pain-free alternative to back surgery.  You don't have to live with back pain!

in Back Pain

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