Cheryl has been dealing with leg and back pain for 5 years now. She has been to several doctors and physical therapists, they have given her epidurals and pain medication but nothing had given her full term relief. She was to the point that she was considering back surgery.

She really wanted to surprise her husband with a vacation for their anniversary but she knew if she opted for the surgery it would halt the surprise.  Cheryl started looking into other options besides surgery, she had heard of several unsuccessful stories. While searching she came across the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. She spent several days searching the website and finally made an appointment and began treatments with the DRS Protocol®™.

Last month, Cheryl and her husband went on a week long cruise. She is another success story from Dr. Busch. She couldn’t be more thrilled with her results. She is able to do things without pain and medication for the first time in 5 years!