It was a beautiful spring day and Cecil was outside picking up sticks and waiting to go on a bike ride with her neighbor. To anybody else it seems like a simple day, but to Cecil it’s a huge milestone.

Last year, Cecil could only sit a watch her neighbors do yard work and enjoy the nice weather. Cecil suffered from low back pain that caused her to be homebound. She wasn’t able to stand for more than 2-3 minutes without increased pain. She was on several pain medications and had already endured one failed back surgery. Her family helped as much as they could, but they had lives of their own to lead.

One day while talking to friend they suggested she call the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. Cecil was skeptical but called and set up an appointment. After talking to Dr. Busch and beginning the DRS Protocol®™, Cecil was excited for the first time in months, she had hopes of being pain free. Cecil now enjoys the beautiful days with her friends and family without any pain or discomfort.