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Carly ends her daily neck pain and headaches with The DRS Protocol

Carly never had any issues with headaches or neck pain until she was water skiing one day and had a really bad fall. She felt her neck whip forward and it was from that moment on that she started experiencing daily headaches and neck pain. Carly went many years just dealing with the pain and occasionally when it became really intense, she would take some Ibuprofen. Carly's pain started to become so bad that she would have to come home from work and immediately go to bed. She knew that she could not live the rest of her life like this and started seeking professional help for her pain and headaches.

Carly did not know where to start so she decided to make an appointment with her family doctor. Her doctor put her on pain medication and sent her to physical therapy. The pain medication made her feel like she was unable to function because she felt like a zombie and the physical therapy only gave her temporary relief from the pain. Carly was in the car on her way to her follow up appointment with her family doctor when she heard an advertisement that would change her life.

Immediately after hearing the advertisement for The Busch Chiropractic Center and The DRS Protocol®™, Carly decided to call and make an appointment. Carly told her family doctor all about it and he told her to give it a try. Carly did exactly that and she is so very thankful that she did.

After her examination with Dr. Busch, she found out that she was suffering with a pinched nerve in the cervical spine area which was the reason for the pain and the headaches. During this appointment, she also learned that she was a candidate for The DRS Protocol®™. Carly began treatment right away. After following the recommendations from Dr. Busch, Carly is now pain free and has not suffered from any headaches in months. She is very pleased with her results with The DRS Protocol®™ and would recommend this treatment to anyone suffering with neck or lower back pain.

in General

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