Brian was experiencing low back and bilateral leg area pain as well as some numbness for over one year. Brian injured himself at the gym while doing squats. He heard a crunching noise and that is when all his pain began and he thought he would never be able to lift again. Brian then decided to make an appointment with his family doctor. He was ordered to do an MRI and that is when he found out he had a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. His doctor then prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug which did help mask the symptoms but Brian did not want to take these drugs forever because of all the side effects involved. Brian explained to his doctor that he was not looking for a way to mask his symptoms, he wanted to actually fix the problem. He was also not willing to go through a back surgery because his father had one with no luck at all. Luckily Brian’s family doctor knew of an alternative treatment to back surgery and that is when Brian called the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. Brian was so happy to find out that he was a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™ and started treatment immediately. Brian is now back to working and exercising without taking medications and without pain. He is so thankful for his doctors recommendation to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. Without the DRS Protocol®™ he would still feel as if he was being robbed of his quality of life. He looks forward to spreading the word of the DRS Protocol®™ with anyone that he runs into that is suffering with low back pain.