About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Donny is back to doing what he loves the most after treatment!

Donny lived to play golf. Every weekend he and a group of his closest friends would get together and spend the whole day on the golf course. During the winter months he would anxiously wait until the first nice day of spring. Finally, that day came and only after the fourth hole he began to [...]

Donny is back to doing what he loves the most after treatment!2013-04-10T18:33:14+00:00

Sue has a new outlook on life without any pain!

Sue was starting to get depressed. She couldn’t go with her granddaughter to the park or take her on walks because her feet burned and tingled and being on her feet for more than 10 minutes hurt her back, this only seemed to get worse in the past year. It was just more than she [...]

Sue has a new outlook on life without any pain!2013-04-09T18:34:23+00:00

Maryann is rejuvenated after being treated with the DRS Protocol

Maryann had enough of being bounced from doctor to doctor. About one year ago, she was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis. This caused her to have constant low back and leg pain that became worse with activities. She was then put on numerous pain medications which only masked her symptoms and made her feel like a [...]

Maryann is rejuvenated after being treated with the DRS Protocol2013-04-08T18:35:19+00:00

Chris can play with his kids without any pain after coming to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!

When Chris was 25, he was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. This caused him to have constant low back and leg pain as well as numbness of his left leg. His doctor then sent him to physical therapy for 3 months, prescibed him a pain medication, muscle relaxers and epidural injections. None of this was [...]

Chris can play with his kids without any pain after coming to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!2013-04-03T18:38:02+00:00

Rick is back to helping others after getting help for himself at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!

Rick was a very active person in his community. He volunteered frequently, helped at his church and liked to teach at the local college. This required him to be on his feet for long periods of time. When he started to have low back pain and numbness in his feet it affected his balance and [...]

Rick is back to helping others after getting help for himself at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!2013-04-02T18:39:55+00:00

Tommy is able to stand taller after treatment with the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center.

Imagine having such severe low back pain that you does not allow you to walk upright. Everywhere you go, you are hunched over, you struggle to get around and rely on others to help you with simple daily tasks such as getting dressed and reaching items off of shelves for you. This was everyday life [...]

Tommy is able to stand taller after treatment with the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center.2013-04-01T18:40:09+00:00
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