About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Robert is able to walk his daughter down the aisle without pain after the DRS Protocol

Robert was a 56 year old engineer, husband, and father of three. His youngest daughter just got engaged but instead of joy Robert was worried that he would be able to walk his daughter down the aisle. Robert had constant leg and foot pain. He had been to several doctors and all they could give [...]

Robert is able to walk his daughter down the aisle without pain after the DRS Protocol2013-04-29T13:37:41+00:00

Julie is no longer changing her shoes several times a day after treatments!

Julie works as a dental assistant for a fast paced dentist office. She is constantly on her feet and walking for up to 10 hours a day. After her shift, her feet began burning; tingling, swelling, and she would have cramping throughout the night in her feet. She found herself bringing three pairs of shoes [...]

Julie is no longer changing her shoes several times a day after treatments!2013-04-24T13:42:45+00:00

Cecil is back to enjoying the outdoors after treatment with the DRS Protocol

It was a beautiful spring day and Cecil was outside picking up sticks and waiting to go on a bike ride with her neighbor. To anybody else it seems like a simple day, but to Cecil it’s a huge milestone. Last year, Cecil could only sit a watch her neighbors do yard work and enjoy [...]

Cecil is back to enjoying the outdoors after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-04-23T13:44:34+00:00

Ronald is no longer missing work due to low back pain after treatment with the DRS Protocol

Ronald was only 32 years old when he first hurt his back while lifting a barrel at work. After 20 years of expensive treatments and still the same symptoms, Ronald had nearly given up and thought he was going to have to live with the pain for the rest of his life. Ronald was diagnosed [...]

Ronald is no longer missing work due to low back pain after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-04-22T14:04:59+00:00

Trisha is pain free after treatment with the DRS Protocol

Trisha is a young lady who had finally had enough. At 32, she didn’t feel that she should have constant pain in the neck and shoulder area. Her quality of life was very poor and was getting worse with what seemed like by the minute. At 12 years old, Trisha injured this area on a [...]

Trisha is pain free after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-04-17T14:09:11+00:00

Kyle avoided surgery after being treated for his neck pain at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!

Kyle injured his neck while doing one of his favorite things, working out. He went to see an Orthopedist and that is when he discovered that he had degenerative disc disease in the last three cervical discs. This caused him to have constant pain in the neck and shoulder as well as numbness and tingling [...]

Kyle avoided surgery after being treated for his neck pain at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!2013-04-16T14:11:51+00:00

Jackson is back on the air!

Jackson worked in the entertainment industry. He woke up bright and early every morning to prepare his outline for that morning’s talk show. Jackson and his co-host Tammy provided an upbeat morning show to entertain listeners during their commute to work and school. During their show Jackson always noticed his neck would be in pain. [...]

Jackson is back on the air!2013-04-15T14:14:04+00:00
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