About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Cindy no longer has fears of falling now that she has eliminated numbness!

Cindy was looking forward to the new school year to begin. She loved planning out her lessons, meeting her new students and decorating her classroom for the year. Although as this day came closer Cindy began noticing she was stumbling more and finding herself holding on to something every time she walked. The minor numbness [...]

Cindy no longer has fears of falling now that she has eliminated numbness!2013-05-14T20:42:55+00:00

Kevin is back to living a pain-free, normal life after treatment with the DRS Protocol

Kevin absolutely loves his job but has recently had to consider finding something new due to the pain he has been experiencing. Kevin is a driver for a local shipping company, which requires him to do a lot of lifting and bending throughout the day and was progressively making his symptoms worse. He loved his [...]

Kevin is back to living a pain-free, normal life after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-05-13T20:50:41+00:00

Will is pain-free and has complete feeling back in his feet after treatment!

Will and his wife, Jean spent most of their lives researching, collecting, and selling antiques. Every weekend they were traveling to different shows and setting up miniature temporary stores to show and sell their most valuable antiques. A few years ago, Will was diagnosed with bone cancer, and went through various rounds of chemotherapy and [...]

Will is pain-free and has complete feeling back in his feet after treatment!2013-05-08T20:52:21+00:00

Tony is now back to work and pain free with treatment at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!

Tony was a construction worker and his job was very physical it was starting to take a toll on his body. Every night he would come home and lay on a heating pad because his back hurt, he was also experiencing numbness in his left arm. He started to miss out on family activities because [...]

Tony is now back to work and pain free with treatment at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!2013-05-07T20:53:28+00:00

Catherine no longer suffers from low back pain and numbness of her legs!

One day Catherine had been up doing some house work and decided to sit and rest for a few minutes. After she had been sitting for about 30 minutes she noticed she was having some pain in the lower back area. She had just figured she had worked to hard earlier that day and didn’t [...]

Catherine no longer suffers from low back pain and numbness of her legs!2013-05-06T20:54:51+00:00

Kenny is now able to get in and out of his boat by elimating the numbness!

Kenny loved nothing more than being on a lake with the warm sunshine on his back and a fishing pole in his hand. Every year he noticed getting in and out of the boat became increasingly worse since he began having more numbness in his feet. One day he fell trying to get into his [...]

Kenny is now able to get in and out of his boat by elimating the numbness!2013-05-01T20:56:30+00:00

Miranda eliminated low back and leg pain with the DRS Protocol

When Miranda started having low back and leg pain that affected her job and way of life, she was devastated. She was told by a surgeon her only option at the time were injections or surgery. Neither option thrilled Miranda. However, she knew she had to do something and had to do it soon. She [...]

Miranda eliminated low back and leg pain with the DRS Protocol2013-04-30T13:35:30+00:00
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