About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Jack is free from his low back and Neuropathy pain with treatments!

Jack had been going to pain clinics, neurologists, and orthopedic doctors for over a period of five years. He would hear the same thing over and over. “You need surgery for your low back, Jack and your only option for the neuropathy (numbness) is medications.” Followed by additional medications after a short time. At one [...]

Jack is free from his low back and Neuropathy pain with treatments!2013-06-04T19:17:27+00:00

After a misdiagnosis, Stephanie is now pain-free thanks to the DRS Protocol

Stephanie is a young lady who started to hate her job, not because she did not like what she did, but because she was having a lot of neck, shoulder and arm pain following a day at work. Stephanie was a dental assistant that was constantly using her upper arms at work which aggravated her [...]

After a misdiagnosis, Stephanie is now pain-free thanks to the DRS Protocol2013-06-03T20:17:23+00:00

Cheryl is now pain-free and relaxing on a cruise after treatments with the DRS Protocol

Cheryl has been dealing with leg and back pain for 5 years now. She has been to several doctors and physical therapists, they have given her epidurals and pain medication but nothing had given her full term relief. She was to the point that she was considering back surgery. She really wanted to surprise her [...]

Cheryl is now pain-free and relaxing on a cruise after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-05-30T20:20:30+00:00

Andrew is back to living out his 30?s without any low back pain after treatments!

Andrew was a young man that loved coaching and playing sports with his children until the day that his pain started. Andrew was experiencing so much low back and leg pain that the only thing that gave him relief was laying flat. After a month of doing nothing but laying flat, he decided it was [...]

Andrew is back to living out his 30?s without any low back pain after treatments!2013-05-29T20:23:04+00:00

Gerald is now pain-free after treatments with the DRS Protocol

Gerald was enjoying his retirement, he liked to golf and take nature hikes. One day while golfing he twisted wrong and hurt his back. He had back surgery 20+ years ago and so far everything was fine. Gerald thought rest and a heating pad would make it better. Several months later Gerald went to see [...]

Gerald is now pain-free after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-05-28T20:25:09+00:00

Laura eliminated her Neuropathy pain at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!

For the past four years, Laura had severe burning, pain and numbness in her feet and lower legs. These symptoms kept her from being able to walk, stand, sleep at night and caused her to frequently change positions during the night. After seeing commercials for the Neuropathy Protocol™ at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center she [...]

Laura eliminated her Neuropathy pain at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!2013-05-23T20:26:07+00:00

Kari avoided back surgery and is now playing sports again after treatment with the DRS Protocol

Kari was like any other teenage kid, she liked to play school sports. She was young and her body could handle anything, so she thought. She was always participating in a sport after school until she started to have low back pain and numbness in her legs. Throughout the years of playing sports, it began [...]

Kari avoided back surgery and is now playing sports again after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-05-21T20:34:45+00:00

Ronald is now able to appreciate his golden years by eliminating low back and sciatic pain!

Since retiring, Ronald enjoyed taking hunting trips and was usually traveling to different states weekly to hunt. Until one day while out of town hunting, he ended up in the emergency room with severe low back and sciatic pain. In the emergency room  he was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in his L5. He was [...]

Ronald is now able to appreciate his golden years by eliminating low back and sciatic pain!2013-05-20T20:35:57+00:00

Sarah found a way to eliminate low back pain without medications!

Sarah was a very active young woman, she loved playing softball. She was looking forward to her hometown softball tournament.  Recently Sarah had been experiencing numbness and burning sensations in her arm. She tried everything to make it stop, but nothing seemed to help. She wondered if it had anything to do with the back [...]

Sarah found a way to eliminate low back pain without medications!2013-05-16T20:36:43+00:00
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