About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Anthony is now pain free and back to enjoying the activities he loves!

Anthony was only in his early 40’s and he had been dealing with back pain for the last 5 years. It was the strenuous work he had done in his early years that caused the increasing pain. He had already been through several trips to the hospital, injections and pain medication.  Anthony also tried physical [...]

Anthony is now pain free and back to enjoying the activities he loves!2013-06-24T19:03:48+00:00

Another patient avoids surgery with the DRS Protocol

Vanessa had been to her doctor many times for low back pain and for the pain into her buttock. He would simply tell her she was having sciatic pain and give her some medications for the pain and inflammation and send her on her way. When it got to the point that she was in [...]

Another patient avoids surgery with the DRS Protocol2013-06-20T19:04:44+00:00

Vincent is back to enjoying the company of his friends, pain-free after treatments!

Vincent grew up in a very active family. Their family was involved with numerous sports, basketball being his favorite. During their free time Vincent and his family would go on hikes, swimming, go on road trips and numerous other activities. They also spent a lot of time with members from their church and school and [...]

Vincent is back to enjoying the company of his friends, pain-free after treatments!2013-06-17T19:11:23+00:00

Erin can travel pain-free again after treatments with the DRS Protocol

Erin was a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and an aunt. She loved all of these roles. However, her role as wife and mother were the most rewarding. Erin’s children were now grown adults and out on their own. Her son was in the military and was stationed in Europe. Her daughter was a school teacher [...]

Erin can travel pain-free again after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-06-13T19:12:31+00:00

Brian is free from constant numbness and weakness of his legs after treatments!

Brian was very active into his retirement years.  Brian and his wife loved to travel and explore new things now that his children were grown with families of their own. During their last trip to Canada, Brian began to notice we was having a lot of weakness in his legs and he was no longer [...]

Brian is free from constant numbness and weakness of his legs after treatments!2013-06-11T19:13:28+00:00

Brendan is back to his physical lifestyle after treatment with the DRS Protocol

Brendan was a very active person in life. He loved to hike, go biking, ski, and any other outdoor activity he could think of. This required him to be in peek physical condition. When he started to have low back pain it slowed him down at first and eventually he had to stop his physical [...]

Brendan is back to his physical lifestyle after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-06-10T19:15:24+00:00

John is free from Neuropathy pain after treatments with the Neuropathy Protocol

John, a 57 year old man suffered from diabetes for years until taking his health into his own hands and did something about it. He went through bariatric treatments to lose weight which corrected the diabetes. He was thrilled! Although after having diabetes for 10 years it had resulted in Neuropathy of his feet and [...]

John is free from Neuropathy pain after treatments with the Neuropathy Protocol2013-06-06T19:16:32+00:00
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