About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Jessica is pain-free and back to work after treatments with the DRS Protocol

When Jessica started having low back pain that affected her job and way of life she was devastated. She was told surgery was her best option at that time. That was not an option she was ready for. However, she knew she had to do something, the pain was affecting the way she did everything [...]

Jessica is pain-free and back to work after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-07-16T18:16:46+00:00

Laura eliminated her low back pain after treatment with the DRS Protocol

Laura always enjoyed traveling. By the age of thirty she had traveled to forty states in the United States as well as to Germany, Australia, and Hawaii. Laura and her husband loved to wander around the cities they visited and truly embrace the culture. They always made it a point to try each cultures cuisine. [...]

Laura eliminated her low back pain after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-07-15T18:26:43+00:00

Tom is enjoying life again without pain after treatments with the DRS Protocol

The annual fishing trip was coming up, George has taken his dad with him for the past 30 years. But George was more excited about this one because his son was finally able to go along. The only problem was the last 2 years it has gotten harder for his dad, Tom to get around. [...]

Tom is enjoying life again without pain after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-07-11T18:27:54+00:00

Kyle eliminated his low back and buttock pain after treatments with the DRS Protocol

Kyle first set foot in the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center with low back pain and pain in his buttock. When he walked he would lean to the right because of the pain in his back, it was the only way he could get some moderate relief when walking. Everyday activities that involved twisting, bending, or [...]

Kyle eliminated his low back and buttock pain after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-07-09T18:28:05+00:00

Richard is running pain-free after treatment with the DRS Protocol

Richard is a very physically fit retiree that absolutely loved to run marathons. He has traveled all over the world competing in the best marathons, until one day while running, he had terrible shooting pain in his left hip and down his left leg. Richard decided to quit running because the pain was so intense [...]

Richard is running pain-free after treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-07-08T18:58:55+00:00

Julie is now pain free and back to work after treatments with the DRS Protocol

About five years ago, Julie was in a car accident. At the time, she was not having any symptoms so she refused to be treated following the accident. A couple of months following the accident, she started to develop periods of time that were very painful in her neck and shoulders and also frequent headaches. [...]

Julie is now pain free and back to work after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-06-27T19:00:17+00:00

Sharon is now able to enjoy time with her son without low back pain!

Sharon was a part-time nurse who worked in the ER, and also a full-time mother who had three small children. Her schedule was always full with practices, recitals, and emergencies. Sharon did not have time for back pain. Being on her feet and doing heavy lifting was taking its toll on her.  Sharon was at [...]

Sharon is now able to enjoy time with her son without low back pain!2013-06-25T19:02:17+00:00
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