About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Kyle eliminated his low back and thigh pain with the DRS Protocol!

Kyle was at work when during the middle of the day he noticed a mild ache in his low back. He took some Ibuprofen and it went away so he didn’t think much of the back ache. Through out a period of time he continued to notice the back ache more and more. He also [...]

Kyle eliminated his low back and thigh pain with the DRS Protocol!2013-08-06T15:26:16+00:00

Cody eliminated pain medications and avoided surgery with the DRS Protocol

Cody had been suffering from back pain for a very long time. Performing everyday activities would make his pain unbearable. Pain medications were no longer helping him with that pain. He had been told that he needed to have surgery to alleviate his pain. He had already previously had a back surgery for low back [...]

Cody eliminated pain medications and avoided surgery with the DRS Protocol2013-08-05T15:26:03+00:00

David eliminated his neuropathy pain with treatments at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!

David had been working at a fast paced factory which he enjoyed. He loved to keep busy and always on the go. David began noticing increased pain in his feet and legs over time and stopped performing at his job the way he once had. David was let go, he was very upset but was [...]

David eliminated his neuropathy pain with treatments at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!2013-08-01T18:02:42+00:00

Julie won the battle against her low back pain with help from the DRS Protocol

Exercising was literally Julie’s life. She not only was a personal trainer at a local gym, she also competed nationally in body building competitions. You can probably imagine how devastated she was to learn that after her second lumbar surgery, her doctor recommended that she not only find a new career but also a new [...]

Julie won the battle against her low back pain with help from the DRS Protocol2013-07-30T18:04:49+00:00

Brad is now back to work, pain-free thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!

Brad is a young man that loves what he does for a living. Brad’s parents started a concrete business when he was a child and Brad had been working summers and after school for as long as he could remember. Brad had dreams of some day taking over the company with his older brother when [...]

Brad is now back to work, pain-free thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center!2013-07-29T18:05:43+00:00

Jason eliminated his low back pain with the DRS Protocol

Jason was having a typical day at work when he started to feel some achiness in his lower back. He didn’t think much of it at the time. Later in the week he noticed the achy feeling again and over a period of time he started having the achiness more often and it was becoming [...]

Jason eliminated his low back pain with the DRS Protocol2013-07-23T18:07:41+00:00

Cara at only sixteen eliminated her low back pain with the DRS Protocol

Cara felt like her life was ending when her doctor told her she was unable to cheer anymore due to a herniated disc in her low back. Cara had dreams of cheering throughout college and this news just crushed her completely. Her doctor put her on numerous pain medications with no relief as well as [...]

Cara at only sixteen eliminated her low back pain with the DRS Protocol2013-07-22T18:08:44+00:00

Sarah is digging her pain-free life after treatments with the DRS Protocol

Sarah is an accountant that really loved her job and loved to garden. One day while crunching numbers for a client she developed severe neck and shoulder pain as well as a headache. She shrugged this off thinking that she slept wrong, but as the days progressed, the pain started becoming more severe. Sarah gave [...]

Sarah is digging her pain-free life after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-07-18T18:15:37+00:00
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